0;00 how did it across my border I went to
0:02the india-pakistan border rangoon that
0:06were bangor the border is not a defined
0:13line it’s a mass of trees and bushes and
0:17and they were in water fair and these
0:21people who saw but not refugees from
0:25East Pakistan I can arrange a lot of
0:28influx of refugees into Pakistan if you
0:31like to come with me to East Pakistan I
0:32will show you how they are coming from
0:33India but they are not to come in and
0:35nor are my refugees going back with them
0:36you’re saying the people I saw coming
0:38with their kitchens and their houses on
0:40their heads and all their belongings
0:42with them were not refugees from
0:43Pakistan no my impression is President
0:48that and it seems we bonded shared by
0:49many other observers who visited the
0:51captain India but the Bengal is are
0:53leaving because they are they feel
0:55insecure because they feel that there is
0:57a persecution against them by the army
0:59which will continue now is it it is it
1:01in your thinking that they should be
1:02persecution against these people
1:07I think any government which would like
1:10to persecute their own people
1:14is nothing but exaggerated lies army has
1:19persecuted nobody army has tried to save
1:2370 million people of his Pakistan
1:26against armed rebels of his Pakistan who
1:30were excited and incited by new theory
1:33and philosophy of our league for
1:36secession the vast majority of Pakistan
1:40in East Pakistan have caved a sigh of
1:46relief that this trend and this movement
1:50and this agitation has stopped the color
1:52of our nation so you’re saying to your
1:54knowledge there has never been and there
1:56is is not Lucknow a selective policy of
1:59genocide of any kind in East Pakistan
2:00will certainly not the most common
2:03criticism against you abroad is that you
2:05are out of touch that you don’t know
2:07what’s going on in East Pakistan what is
2:09your comment on that huh well if a head
2:12of a state is out of touch with any part
2:14of his country I don’t think he has and
2:17it done right Romania that home state
2:18I’m a soldier basically and you know I’m
2:21not a politician
2:22I don’t want to stick to this job the
2:23moment I find our touch out of touch
2:26with my people I shall quit I’m not
2:28thought of touching people I know is
2:30Pakistan like the palm of my hand I’ve
2:32served there in many capacities I know
2:36is Pakistan more than least Pakistan is
2:38no themselves because they have got the
2:41facilities move around like I have so
2:44answer to your question is that I’m not
2:47out of touch I know exactly what’s
2:49happening and what’s more I have visited
2:52East Pakistan I will continue visiting
2:54is Pakistan and
2:56how come when you say out of touch I
3:00happen to be a head of a state
3:02consisting of 120 million people but I
3:07don’t claim that I I have gone and
3:09talked to every one of those hundred
3:11million people but the personal contact
3:16with individuals is not the only means
3:18of a head of state knowing what’s
3:19happening in this country just no doubt
3:21in your mind that all that’s going on
3:22there you know absolutely I am
3:33saw on my own TV two nights ago
3:38not a blood flowing in the streets of
3:41I saw the Armed Forces playing for these
3:47civilians and I saw the civilians going
3:50for down forces made me wonder whether I
3:55was watching a scene in Pakistan or
3:57somebody else I was a short that was an
4:00so what do you people talk about army
4:04genocide an army repression the basic
4:09factor is that no government what’s his
4:11name will allow Allah sness no
4:15government versus name will allow this
4:18kind of
4:21brutal activities against their own
২৫ জুন ১৯৭২ঃ আজকের এদিনে, দুলক আহমেদের ডায়েরি থেকে।
রাজনীতি তখন অন্যরকম ছিল।
মেলা প্রাঙ্গণে কথা হয় রকমারির বিজনেস ডেভেলপমেন্ট এক্সিকিউটিভ কাজী কাওছার সুইটের সঙ্গে। তিনি অর্থসূচককে বলেন, গ্রন্থমেলায় প্রকাশিত সব নতুন বইয়ের ক্ষেত্রে মেলার স্টলে প্রকাশকরা যে পরিমাণ মূল্য ছাড় দিচ্ছেন আমরাও সে পরিমাণ অর্থাৎ ২৫% হারে মূল্য ছাড় দিচ্ছি। তাছাড়া দেশের যে কোন প্রান্তে বসে বই অর্ডার দিলে আমরা পৌঁছে দিচ্ছি। এজন্য প্রতি অর্ডারে ক্রেতার কাছ থেকে ডেলিভারি চার্জ বাবদ নেওয়া হচ্ছে মাত্র ৩০ টাকা।
কাজী কাওছার সুইট আরও বলেন, গত ১ ফেব্রুয়ারি থেকে আজ পর্যন্ত বিভিন্ন প্রকশনা থেকে প্রকাশিত ১ হাজার ৯শ’র বেশি নতুন বই রকমারির ওয়েবসাইটে লিস্টেড হয়েছে। রকমারির ৩৫ জনের টিম মেলায় সার্বক্ষণিক কাজ করছেন। যারা নিয়মিত প্রকাশকদের কাছ থেকে বই সংগ্রহ করে লিস্ট করছেন।
মেলা চলাকালীন কি পরিমাণ বই বিক্রি হয়েছে জানতে চাইলে তিনি বলেন, গত এই ১০ দিনে রকমারি থেকে ৪ হাজার ৪১৮টি বিষয়ের ১০ হাজারের বেশি বই বিক্রি হয়েছে। যার মূল্য প্রায় ১৮ লাখ টাকার মতো।
।।মার্চ ২০১৮।।
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